So I cant sleep once again. After I pray fajr I often struggle to go back to sleep . Today was no different , I could hear my husband rummaging around the kitchen at 5.40am and I went to him and said "I cant sleep..." he replied "have you tried closing your eyes?" (Please who wants a mildly used middle-aged man I'm not using?) Anyways it got me reflecting, what the hell is keeping me up? Here are the 10 things my mind is up to when it ought to be getting me some sleep :
1. Should I use Twitter a little bit ? No, the blue light will keep me up longer. Or is it UV light ? I should Google that.
2. Lol, imagine I am trapped on top of Kilimanjaro. I wonder how it formed . Maybe there is a video on Yt about it.
3. Lmfaooo! (Recalls) when one fool tweeted it sucks being a baby , "imagine your foot is itching you and they're busying giving you milk".
4. I love baby slander. Them little crack heads
5. I am fully sure that Patience (maid) didn't clean that bathroom window yesterday . She's testing me.
6. I should have indomie for breakfast. Ozzy Etomi keeps slandering indomie . Or maybe I should stop eating indomie that's why I'm fat.
7. Should call Umma tomorrow . Omg! I cant believe I didn't call Gbemi back. I'm legit the worse.
8. Humans are the worst , if I were president you cannot use plastic bags on my country . I'll have you hung...wait doesn't that make me a dicta.. Oh I see
9. Ugh, why can't I sleep ? I'm sooo gonna ignore my husband all day. How can he say that to me ? Close your eyes..hahahahah
10. This would make for an interesting read. I should blog about th...zzzzzzź
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