Well you have to excuse me if I'm not a fan anymore to your little game shows that you put up. I am not calling this roulette love anymore . Chances are you might call today or not. Remember me this week or not. Everything has never once been about me but this has revolved around what is convinient for you. If you're reading this, do not wait to be loved and cared about. Do not be scared, take that bold step but I warn you you might stumble. But at least be bold enough to love yourself first. Life as I have learnt in my short 18 years is too damn (excuse my language) precious to be wasted on people who only want to be there for the opening act not the entire show. People are temporary. I have learnt that. People will use you. I have seen that. But self love is the water in your blood. It will keep you afloat even if you're too drained to recuperate.