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Showing posts from April, 2018

Dear Black People, Not me.

I'm absolutely mortified every time I hear someone talk about some faction of Dark skinned Africans using the word "black" . A while back I was trying to explain to a friend of mine , a French girl why I didn't care so much so about racism or that I couldn't really identify with the Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill . Here is why:   Black people do not exist in Africa . Yes, I mean it. Black people are a product of slave trade and only exist under that title in racially segregated societies such as the Americas and Europe. When you set your foot in any African airport , the dark skinned individuals before you are AFRICANS.  These Africans while we share a part of our history without stolen brethrens across the ocean; our realities are very much different . Take for example , while the tragedy of our story lies in colonisation , our struggle is for unity , development and building ourselves up to identify with our culture .  Black people...

H o m e b o d y

Beneath this skin,  Under these bones Is my body  My home .  If you do not worship me, If your words do not exalt my heart .  You shall leave it untouched, unaroused  My heart safe In my homebody .